The Individual Cross-Cultural Study (ICCS) is student-led and can either be a short- or long-term trip or a church study. The student must submit a proposal that is rigorously reviewed by the Global Perspectives Committee and considered for approval. Trips not approved in advance will not be considered for credit and not all international travel will qualify. Short-term missions travel and travel with friends or family may not qualify.
Students must demonstrate that they will be immersed in the targeted culture and interacting with people, not simply touring sites.
The following are some examples of types of ICCS:
Academic Semester Abroad – Some students choose to participate in a full semester study abroad academic experience not offered by Lee. To receive cross-cultural experience credit, students must receive prior approval from the university. Students who choose one of our Collaborative Programs or a program not affiliated with Lee must still complete an individually arranged application as part of the overall process.
(if you are contemplating an Individual Cross-Cultural Study)